Alabama Court Reporter Services: Statewide Coverage for Any Type of Proceeding

court reporter servicesRegardless of the reason you need court reporting services, what you want is an experienced professional who can handle the job. I have over 20 years of experience as a licensed court reporter, and there are very few types of assignments I have not covered. From expert witness depositions to arbitrations, from circuit court to the business meeting for the Appalachian Regional Commission, I have transcribed almost every kind of proceeding an Alabama court reporter might face.

Court Reporter Services Available

The first question some clients ask is, “What type of court reporter are you?” I am a machine writer, a/k/a stenography machine reporter, as opposed to a mask reporter or a pen writer. In other words, I use the “weird little machine with the 22 blank keys” to do my job.


This list contains the basic types of court reporting services I offer.

  • Depositions of fact witnesses, medical experts, and technical experts
  • Circuit court, domestic relations/family court, district court, and municipal court
  • Board meetings
  • Agency and administrative hearings and meetings
  • Public hearings and meetings
  • Examinations under oath
  • Statements under oath
  • Arbitration and mediation proceedings

Additional Services AvailableCourt reporting technology

Isn’t technology awesome? In addition to basic court reporting services, many great conveniences are available today in the legal community. The following services are designed to make work life easier and more efficient for my clients. Of course, hard paper copies are always available as well.

  • Transcript repository
  • PDF transcript with linked exhibits
  • E-Transcript (PTX)
  • Internet depositions
  • Telephonic depositions
  • Legal transcription
  • Exhibit copying and scanning

Special Services Available Upon Request

The following special services are available to my clients upon request. I am happy to assist you with any aspect of your project.

  • Expedited turnaround
  • Video specialist scheduling
  • Conference room scheduling
  • Service of process (delivery of subpoenas)
  • Notary public services

Court Reporter RatesCourt reporter rates

At Miss Court Reporter, keeping it simple is the mission. Like many court reporters in Alabama, I set my rates to be solidly in line with other local court reporters. Unlike some of the larger court reporting firms, though, I don’t charge different prices based on who the client is or where the job is located. The rates I charge for my Birmingham reporting service are the same rates I charge for my Tuscaloosa court reporting service. Location and client differentiation are not factors when it comes to my page rates.

Regarding mileage, I charge no mileage fees for jobs within a 100-mile radius of my office. For job locations in excess of a 100-mile radius, we will reach an understanding before I accept your assignment. You won’t have a surprise mileage charge on your invoice.


Find a Court Reporter You Can Trust

Nationwide court reporters play a significant role in the capturing of the record for attorneys and other types of clients. To produce an accurate transcript, a professional, experienced court reporter is a necessity. In my role as a court reporter, as well as my personal life as a wife and a mother, it is important to me to be recognized as someone with a strong work ethic and unquestionable integrity. I expect my clients to know they can trust and depend on me for every assignment I am asked to cover. These are things I take very seriously.

If you have questions about my services or rates, or, if you would like to schedule a deposition or other assignment, I invite you to contact me to discuss how I can best help you today. Feel free to email, call, text, or comment below this post.


2 Thoughts to “Alabama Court Reporter Services: Statewide Coverage for Any Type of Proceeding”

  1. Ali

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    1. admin

      Hi, again, Ali! It’s great to see you back. I’m so pleased you found my information helpful. To answer your question, yes, I did write 100 percent of this article by myself. After over 20 years in this field, I’ve accumulated quite a bit of experience, some of which I’d love to forget!! Anything I can share to help others, though, I’m certainly happy to pass along.

      Thanks again for your kind comments!


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